Friday, December 19, 2008

The cockpit

A big night out in Lusaka with Crispin, Laura, Tash, Perry & Il professorie. Me at Mikes Car Wash trying to look nonchalant after being told we were going into the compound. Later at the Cockpit enjoying the ambience before we managed to make ourselves unpopoular and needed a police escort off the premises.


Unknown said...

Rebecca says I've to tell you you look like you've lost weight and are you eating properly, evidence if any were needed that spending all day every day looking after a 2and 5 year old leaves its mark.

Having seen Police Academy 1 & 2 I have to say I would probably have given The Cockpit a miss!

Unknown said...

To my dear friend Tom....How old are you?
Its good to see your dancing has its effects on people globally.